People who experience winter allergies will often do just about anything to alleviate their symptoms, but many ignore a simple solution that's right in front of them. Your
system isn't just circulating warm air throughout the home; it's also filling the rooms with harmful allergens.
Luckily, you can use this equipment to protect your health by taking these preventative measures.
How to Combat Allergies With Your HVAC System
1. Replace the Air Filters
Replacing the air filters every two to three months ensures they effectively capture any dust or allergens that can trigger symptoms. Additionally, people with severe allergies should replace their old air filters with upgraded HEPA models. These are specifically designed to capture ultra-fine particles, including dust, dander, and pollen, so they provide more protection against allergies than traditional filters.
2. Clear Debris Around the Outdoor Unit
When the system runs, the condenser pulls air from outside and circulates it throughout the home. That means it's also drawing in any allergens that are surrounding the unit. Ensure there isn't any debris leaning on the equipment and clear out vegetation in a two-foot radius surrounding the system. You can also have the fins cleaned to remove any contaminants that have gotten lodged in them.
3. Clean the Ducts
Any allergens that aren't captured by the filters end up in the system's ductwork. When heated air moves through the ducts, those contaminants circulate throughout the home, diminish the indoor air quality, and make symptoms more likely. Have them professionally cleaned in the fall months and regularly dust the registers throughout the home to ensure the allergens don't trigger symptoms.
4. Keep Air Moving
Even if temperatures are mild, keep the fan turned on to help reduce allergic reactions. If the system is off, the air stays stagnant and traps allergens in the home. Keeping it running forces the contaminants through the system so they're captured by the HEPA filters or directed outside, which bolsters the air quality.
5. Install an Air Purifier
Whole-house air purifiers provide the best protection against winter allergies. They're particularly effective because they clean the air at the source rather than in individual rooms to provide broader protection. Whether this device uses electrostatic filters, electronic filters, or UV filters, it'll remove a host of irritants, including dust mites, mold spores, pollen, and pet dander.
Mt. Eaton Office (Main Warehouse)
Address: 17600 Dover Rd., Dundee, OH 44624
Phone: (330) 359-7114
Wooster Office
Address: 146 East Liberty St Ste 80 Wooster, OH 44691
Phone: (330) 263-0013
Ashland Office
Address: 626 Claremont Ave, Ashland, OH 44805
Phone: (419) 281-1616