Keeping a house comfortable in hot/cold weather can be costly, but shutting off vents in unused rooms could make it worse.
You may think that by closing off vents in some rooms you can save some money in the Summer & Winter. While it may sound like it makes sense that’s not necessarily the case!
An HVAC unit (Furnace or AC) is sized to match the home’s living space. No matter how many vents are open, the unit will run at the same level.
When the unit starts up it pushes air through the ductwork and out of the vents. When vents are closed, the air pressure builds up which can increase the risk of duct leaks. If leaks occur they lead to loss of heated/cooled air which will significantly raise energy costs.
A home’s ductwork is designed with both supply vents and return air vents. When supply vents are closed, it creates negative air pressure, so the unit struggles drawing in air. This leads to the motor of the unit working harder and this added strain on the both the AC & Furnaces can significantly reduce the life span of the equipment.
Healthy Air
Reduced air circulation in rooms with closed vents decrease air quality. The air in that room is not circulating and therefore can become stagnant and a breeding ground for germs & mold. Leaving the vents open will help keep everything dry and healthier.
Let those rooms breath and save some $$$
Here are 2 ways we advise our clients to save some money while not sacrificing comfort.
1.Schedule an preventative maintenance visit- We recommend doing this before the Summer/Winter hit: A well-maintained HVAC unit is more energy-efficient and most potential breakdowns can be avoided at a fraction of the cost of emergency service.
2.Smart thermostat: It’s easy to forget to turn down the heat before going to work, so the furnace ends up heating the house when no one is home. A smart thermostat, can be programmed to turn the heat up or down from a smartphone. This allows you to save money and stay warm 😊
If you are in need of service to your furnace or would like to get a quote on a new system, please contact us at Alpine Heating & Cooling at one of the below methods.
P: (330) 359.7114 or (330) 263.0013
Mt. Eaton Office (Main Warehouse)
Address: 17600 Dover Rd., Dundee, OH 44624
Phone: (330) 359-7114
Wooster Office
Address: 146 East Liberty St Ste 80 Wooster, OH 44691
Phone: (330) 263-0013
Ashland Office
Address: 626 Claremont Ave, Ashland, OH 44805
Phone: (419) 281-1616